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Human Trafficking is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing a person using a false narrative in order to steal from their work, services, or intellectual property, including their identity. Typically including labor, assets, or sexual exploitation.

Human Trafficking is implemented into a persons life through intimidation, gaslighting, identity theft, fraud, slander, cyber crimes, stalking, unlawful surveillance, asset theft and income containment through fake debt. Each of these steps is implemented in a structured pattern so as to trap the families and victims. The aim through these steps is to discredit the victims and remove their central support so they can be harassed, harmed, and Human Trafficked. Unfortunately most friends, family members, and co-workers lie to discredit the victims so they can be housed in a fictitious world by Human Trafficking perpetrators. Children are often harmed and removed from parents early on so parents through their heart break do not attempt to take legal action and reinstate assets for protection. It is at this point that corrupt networks enter the play to prevent parents from protecting themselves, and protecting and retrieving their children.​


If you are affected by Human Trafficking you are being invited to tell your story through this book series. If you would like further information or to learn submission guidelines please reach out. 

Your Voice Matters

We want you to tell your story so Human Trafficking can END. Please join this mailing list to receive instructions on how.

Lets deliver the message together, in one mind, one voice. #unityendstrafficking




We have a Human Right to live free of Human Trafficking.

Welcome to Unity Ends Trafficking. My name is Genie O'Malley and I am an Author, Artist, Social Entrepreneur, and Mother with a passion for Unity. Over the past 25 years I have written an extensive collection of books that provide opportunities to harmonize emotions and feelings into love. Providing insights into the path of 'Shadow Work, all while battling my own experiences with Human Trafficking, organized stalking, smear campaigns, asset theft, identity theft and crimes to harm my children. This 12 year attack upon my life was set up to dismantle my vision and work surrounding Human Rights and the right to distribute my books and insights. So what do I believe? I believe that it is our Human Right to live in a world free of Human Trafficking. I believe it is our Human Right to be safe and loved and it is our responsibility to grow and develop internally in a manner that allows us to provide a safe and loving space for ourselves and others. Please enjoy your time here and come back to visit as new updates will happen frequently. I encourage you to join our mailing list so you can look for opportunities for you to share your story. I also encourage you to visit the store and support our message #unityendstrafficking. 

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